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    The Surabaya Development Plan (RPJMD) 2010-2014, is the city’s urban development plan that addresses several issues related to spatial planning and the development of

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  • Surabaya Global Future Cities Programme

    Surabaya has a number of guiding spatial and development plans. The Surabaya Development Plan 2010-2014 (RPJMD), renewed every five years, is the city’s urban development plan that addresses several

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  • Surabaya Urban Agenda Platform

    2020.4.13  Surabaya has a number of guiding spatial and development plans. The Surabaya Development Plan 2010-2014 (RPJMD), renewed every five years, is the

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  • Surabaya City Planning Lab — City Form Lab

    City Planning Lab Initiative in Surabaya. The City Form Lab worked with the City of Surabaya, World Bank and Hansen Partnership to organize and facilitate a successful, high energy interactive workshop engaging city

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  • Surabaya's strategic location connects east and west

    Surabaya has long welcomed foreign direct investment, and local authorities are keen to see this boosted even further. To achieve this, the East Java province is offering a one

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  • Surabaya Urban Corridor Development Strategy,

    The resulting detailed analysis and vision delivers an urban corridor alongside a proposed north-south aligned 18km tram route passing through central Surabaya – a growing city crippled by congestion and disparate

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  • Surabaya City Spatial Plan 2009-2029 (Source:

    Several green-oriented development plans and design strategies, such as those for ecological protection, river restoration, and green infrastructure, have been proposed to control the balance ...

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  • Peri-urbanization in the Surabaya metropolitan area

    The government is only effective in providing the general locations and development direction through building transport infrastructure. This chapter explores emerging

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  • Surabaya Urban Transformation: Transforming Dolly area at Putat

    Surabaya Urban Transformation: Transforming Dolly area at Putat Jaya into a liveable vibrant and sustainable neighbourhood. In early August 2021, the Surabaya Urban

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