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  • [PDF] Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete

    2014.2.28  This experimental study aimed to develop an acceptable concrete mixture with sawdust particles as substitute to fine aggregate that can be used for building construction particularly in residential class concrete slab and analyze the effect of sawdust concrete

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  • Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mixture for

    2014.2.28  This experimental study aimed to develop an acceptable concrete mixture with sawdust particles as a substitute to fine aggregate that can be used for building construction

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  • Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mixture

    2019.4.12  This experimental study aimed to develop an acceptable concrete mixture with sawdust particles as substitute to fine aggregate that can be used for building construction

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  • Saw Dust As Full Replacement Of Fine Aggrgate In Lightweight Concrete ...

    2022.3.28  This paper investigates the effect of using wastes sawdust as a replacement of fine aggregate (sand) on mechanical properties naming compressive, tensile and flexural

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  • Effectiveness of wood waste sawdust to produce medium- to

    2021.12.1  This paper investigates the use of sawdust as fine aggregate and its influence on the properties of hardened concrete, and examines the correlation between sawdust

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  • Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate In Concrete Mixture

    2018.5.25  Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate In Concrete Mixture. M.Vimala Nathan. (Assistant Professor,Civil and Structural Engineering,SCSVMV, Enathur,Kanchipuram)

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  • Study on Suitability of Sawdust as an Alternate for Fine Aggregate

    2022.11.9  The mix ratio adopted to prepare concrete is 1:1.5:3 with a water-to-cement ratio of 0.55 natural sand used as a fine aggregate in concrete and the same was partially replaced

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    2017.4.1  This experimental study is aimed to create a concrete mixture consisting of sawdust which replaces the fine aggregate. It is also used to analyze the effect of sawdust concrete in terms...

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  • Review Paper On Saw Dust In Concrete Mixture - IJCRT

    2022.5.13  Sawdust can probably replace 16% of fine aggregate in the construction of structural lightweight concrete. Since sawdust may be achieve at almost no cost, the cost of

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  • Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Sawdust as

    2023.2.7  Usman et al (2012) found out that the strength of concrete reduced with sawdust as fine aggregate due to its higher rate of water absorption and the optimum replacement was

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    Sawdust Ash (SDA) generated from rice mills is usually delivered to landfills for disposal. Using of sawdust ash in concrete is an interesting possibility for economy on waste disposal sites and conservation of natural resources .This

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  • IRJET- Use of Saw Dust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mixture

    Sand was sourced from a local supplier in Noida. While sawdust of timber wood was obtained from a local carpenter. A concrete mix of ratio 1:1.5:3 by volume was used as control; to which the properties of the other mixes were compared. Sawdust was used to replace sand at percentages of 10%, 20%, 50% and 100% by volume.

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  • Review Paper On Saw Dust In Concrete Mixture - IJCRT

    2022.5.13  The concrete becomes environment friendly, due to use of waste material. Concrete produced by using sawdust as changes by fine aggregate has influence on the properties of the concrete. REFERENCES [1] T. N. Boob, “Performance of saw-dust in low cost sandcrete blocks,” Am. J. Eng. Res., vol. 03, no. 04, pp. 2320–847, 2014.

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  • Utilization of treated saw dust in concrete as partial replacement of ...

    2020.7.10  Ordinary Portland cement confirming to Indian standard BIS 8112 - 2013, was used in the present research work.Properties of cement was evaluated according to Indian standards BIS 4031 (Part V), 1988, BIS 4031 (Part IV), 1988 and BIS 4031 (Part VI) −2000.River sand and coarse aggregate confirming to BIS 383–1970 were used. Saw dust was collected

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  • Study on Suitability of Sawdust as an Alternate for Fine Aggregate

    2022.11.9  The mix ratio adopted to prepare concrete is 1:1.5:3 with a water-to-cement ratio of 0.55 natural sand used as a fine aggregate in concrete and the same was partially replaced with sawdust at various percent of 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10, and 12.5%. Two sets of concrete were produced; one set was incorporated with fly ash (10% of the cement weight ...

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    saw dust as fine aggregate in concrete mixture. 2. To mix saw dust sample with sand in 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% and record the detail observations to check efficient percentage of the saw-dust that ...

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  • (PDF) Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete

    Construction industry relies heavily on conventional materials such as cement, basalt and sand for the production of concrete. The River sand which is most commonly used fine aggregate in the production of concrete, posses the problem of acute shortage in many areas, whose continued use has started posing serious problems with respect to its availability, cost and environmental

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  • Utilization of treated saw dust in concrete as partial

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121226 Corpus ID: 216478463; Utilization of treated saw dust in concrete as partial replacement of natural sand @article{Siddique2020UtilizationOT, title={Utilization of treated saw dust in concrete as partial replacement of natural sand}, author={Rafat Siddique and Malkit Singh and Sourav Mehta and Rafik Belarbi},

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  • Sawdust as Sand Filler Replacement in Concrete SpringerLink

    2022.3.31  This investigation used sawdust to substitute river sand in the concrete mix proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% by weight. The impact of compressive strength, workability, and density was investigated by changing the amount of sand replacement with sawdust. Concrete cubes of 100 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm were produced for compressive

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  • Sawdust as an Alternative Material for Sand in Concrete

    The study determined the strength of concrete mixture with sand and concrete mixture with sawdust in three different curing periods; 7 days, 16 days and 28 days. Experimental method was used by the researchers for it examined and investigated the possibility of using sawdust as a fine aggregate in concrete mixture with both mixtures categorized ...

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  • Predicting the split tensile strength of Saw Dust

    2020.1.19  This research considered the use of saw dust ash as a pozzolan in the production of concrete. The study investigated the physical properties and chemical composition of saw dust ash (SDA) as well ...

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  • Saw Dust As Full Replacement Of Fine Aggrgate In

    2019.10.3  Table 1: Sand concrete, using sand as fine aggregate Concrete Age (days) Average weight of cubes 2(kg) Average crushing load (kN) Average compressive strength (N/mm ) 7 8.630 395.000 17.560 14 8.250 540.000 24.000 28 8.625 566.650 25.200 Table 2: Sawdust concrete, using sawdust as fine aggregate

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  • Utilization of treated saw dust in concrete as partial

    2020.7.10  Saw dust passing through 4.75 sieve was treated with water and sodium silicate for 24 h before using in concrete. Natural sand was replaced with 5, 10,15 and 20% water treated saw dust in concrete mixture. The effect of silica fume on properties of concrete containing 5% water treated saw dust was also studied by replacing 4, 8 and 12% cement ...

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  • An experimental analysis on the replacement of fine aggregate

    2023.6.1  Fresh ceramic waste coarse aggregate and quarry dust fine aggregates make concrete less cohesive and harder to deal with than standard concrete [16]. Ceramic waste and quarry dust aggregates absorb much of water. This technique uses porous ceramic waste and quarry dust aggregates. Stone dust can substitute river sand as fine aggregate in concrete.

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    2014.1.1  Samples of concrete (eg. cubes) were made using varying contents of laterite and quarry dust as fine aggregate. The quantity of laterite was varied from 0% to 100% against quarry dust at intervals ...

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  • SDA and laterite applications in concrete: Prospects and

    2017.10.19  Combined utilization of waste saw dust ash and laterite as SCM and fine aggregate in concrete production contributes to eco-friendly construction. Laterite as fine aggregate in laterized concrete performs dual functions of SCM alongside being a fine aggregate replacement for sand. The utilization of waste sawdust ash helps to reduce the ...

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  • Concrete using sawdust as partial replacement of sand :

    concrete when adding cement while reducing the use of sand. The sawdust particle was passed 0.6 mm sieve which is not too fine and almost identical to fine aggregate which is sand that is conforming to British Standard. The total proportion of concrete materials used to prepare the specimens were 5.95 kg/m3 of cement, 6.67 kg/m3 of sand,

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  • Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mixture

    2019.4.12  Sawdust can be used as alternative substitute for fine aggregate in concrete production [8, 10]. Sawdust should be washed and cleaned before use as concrete constituent because of large amount of bark which can affect setting and hydration of cement. Concrete obtained from sawdust is a mixture of sawdust, gravel with certain

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  • (PDF) Concrete using sawdust as partial replacement of sand

    2019.1.1  The results show that replacing the fine aggregate with wood waste increases the absorption of the concrete mix up to 300% in certain mixes. The tensile strength was affected depending on the wood ...

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  • Characteristic study on concrete elements using agro-waste

    2023.8.23  In this project, saw-dust ash and pulverized waste LDPE were introduced as the partial replacement for cement and fine aggregates respectively. 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of sand by volume was ...

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    The addition of sawdust to the concrete was done by 5% increment up to 25% by weight of the fine aggregate. Concrete cubes of size 150mm x150mm x 150mm were prepared after batching and mechanical mixing for the compressive strength tests. ... • 10% modification with saw dust The Volume of concrete that was created for one set of the cube ...

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  • Sawdust concrete, using sawdust as fine aggregate

    Mar 2022. Ugwu Juliet. This study is on the experimental investigation of fully replacing sand with sawdust on the compressive property of concrete. Design mix ratio 1:2:4 and w/c of 0.58 were ...

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  • Fine Aggregate for Concrete: 3 Classification, Properties and ...

    2023.11.22  Fine aggregate, one of the primary constituents of concrete along with cement, water, and coarse aggregates, is a term used to describe small, inert materials, whether granular or crushed stone. These fine aggregates are essential components in concrete mixtures and play a crucial role in determining the properties of the resulting concrete.

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  • Utilization of sawdust composites in construction—a review

    2023.4.17  Nathan MV (2018) Effect of Sawdust as fine aggregate in concrete mixture. Int J Eng Techniques 4:1–12. Google Scholar Chitra R, Hemapriya (2018) Experimental study on strength of concrete by partial replacement of Fine Aggregate with saw Dust. Int J Pure Appl Math 119:9473–9479. Google Scholar

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  • Study on Suitability of Sawdust as an Alternate for Fine Aggregate

    2022.11.9  The mix ratio adopted to prepare concrete is 1:1.5:3 with a water-to-cement ratio of 0.55 natural sand used as a fine aggregate in concrete and the same was partially replaced with sawdust at ...

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    2022.1.20  using it in th e concrete a nd maintained the sustainability. As. stone dust has acceptable properties of a fine aggregate sand. with regard to shape and texture, it can be thought of as an ...

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  • Effectiveness of wood waste sawdust to produce medium- to

    2021.12.1  This paper investigates the use of sawdust as fine aggregate and its influence on the properties of hardened concrete, and examines the correlation between sawdust content and hydration days. ... Ravindrarajah et al. [35] conducted an experimental study on concrete blocks made with saw dust and observed compressive strength more than 12 MPa ...

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  • Investigations on concrete with stone crusher dust as fine aggregate ...

    Compressive Strength and Workability of Concrete Using Stone Dust as Partial Replacement of Sand and Glass Powder as Cement. The main objective of this research is to investigated the use of Glass Powder and other is Stone dust as partial replacement of cement and concrete production. In this research we analyze the.

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    Using of sawdust ash in concrete is an interesting possibility for economy on waste disposal sites and conservation of natural resources .This paper examines the possibility of using sawdust ash as replacement in fine aggregate for a new concrete. Natural sand was partially replaced (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%) with SDA.

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    Saw dust Ash (SDA) generated from rice mills is usually delivered to landfills for disposal. Using of sawdust ash in concrete is an interesting possibility for economy on waste disposal sites and conservation of natural resources .This paper examines the possibility of using sawdust ash as replacement in fine aggregate for a new concrete.

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