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  • Development Mechanism and Policy Innovation of

    2022.4.27  “12th Five-Year Plan” and beyond, China needs innovative mechanisms and effective policy mix, taking into account China-specific conditions as well as making use of international experiences and best practices.

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  • Clean development mechanisms in China: taking a proactive

    The China Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) study analyzes key methodological issues related to the Clean Development Mechanism from China's perspective. It includes six .

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  • Multifunctional rural development in China: Pattern, process and mechanism

    2022.3.1  Multifunctional rural development (MRD) is of paramount significance for rural sustainability. • Conceptual framework and assessment basis of MRD are established. • Spatio

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  • Clean development mechanism in China: Regional distribution

    2013.7.1  Clean development mechanism (CDM) The clean development mechanism is one of the three international cooperation mechanisms (the other two being international

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  • [PDF] The Clean Development Mechanism in China:

    2012.3.1  The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has grown into a central feature of the global carbon market. Besides a range of normative and evaluative research into the CDM,

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  • Sustainable development in China? A nonparametric

    2023.10.1  Consequently, numerous scholars have devoted their attention to studying China's economic development. In this study, we contribute to this literature using a new

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  • Sustainability Free Full-Text Clean Development, Energy ...

    2021.1.16  Clean development mechanism (CDM) project implementation provides an opportunity for more developing countries to actively participate in global climate governance.

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  • Legal Issues for Implementing the Clean

    This book discusses what China should do to make full use of the CDM to promote sustainable development and to meet the challenge of climate change from a legal perspective. The findings lead to the conclusion that the CDM has

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  • (PDF) Clean Development, Energy Substitution, and Carbon

    2021.1.16  Clean development mechanism (CDM) project implementation provides an opportunity for more developing countries to actively participate in global climate governance.

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  • Spatial-temporal Differentiation And Influencing Mechanism

    Improving the green development efficiency of the three major urban agglomerations in Zhejiang is an important way to faster build the pilot demonstration area of beautiful China. Based on

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  • Quantifying the air quality cobenefits of the clean development ...

    2010.6.1  Abstract. The Clean Development Mechanism's (CDM) contribution to sustainable development in host countries has come under criticism in recent years. Yet, there are no detailed country-wide estimates of air quality cobenefits from CDM projects. In this paper, we estimate the SO (2), PM (2.5), and NO (x) cobenefit rates (tonnes per kt CO (2)eq ...

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  • China's sustainable development evolution and

    The sustainable development level, coordinated among three sub-systems in the economy, society, and envi-. ronment, has changed globally or regionally. The key factors and mechanisms driving these ...

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  • Physical Mechanism of the Development and Extinction of the China ...

    The results show the following: (1) the convergence and divergence of the surrounding flow field is the main factor influencing the development and extinction of the primary-stage China Southwest Vortex, while gravity wave disturbance is the main driving force for the maintenance and development of the primary vortex.

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  • Analysis of long-term mechanism for development of straw

    Straw resource has exceeded 190 million tons in Northeast China, accounting for more than 1/5 of the national total. Northeast China is the main grain-producing area, including Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, and East Inner Mongolia (Chifeng, Tongliao, Hulunbeier, and Xing'an League). The high-yield black soil in this region has also encountered an overdraft of land fertility in recent

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  • China Clean Development Mechanism Fund Management Center

    2017.10.2  As of 19 December 2023 China CDM Fund Management Center is no longer a GCF Accredited Entity. For historical purposes, the documents and/or projects associated with China CDM Fund Management Center are listed on this page. The China Clean Development Mechanism Fund Management Center (China CDM Fund Management Center) is an entity

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  • The criminal law protection mechanism for sustainable development

    2024.6.8  An R, Sang T (2022) The guarantee mechanism of China’s environmental protection strategy from the perspective of global environmental governance-focusing on the punishment of environmental ...

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  • Spatial differences and influence mechanisms of

    2023.12.4  mechanisms of construction land development intensity in China, 2002–2020 Guanhai Gu1,3, ... with the rapid development of China’s economy and the continuous promotion of urbaniza-

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  • [PDF] Clean development mechanism in China: Regional

    DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2013.01.005 Corpus ID: 31476081; Clean development mechanism in China: Regional distribution and prospects @article{Hong2013CleanDM, title={Clean development mechanism in China: Regional distribution and prospects}, author={Jin Hong and Xiumei Guo and Dora Vasileva Marinova and Fengli Yang and Wentao Yu}, journal={Math.

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  • China to Launch Clean Development Mechanism Fund

    2007.2.10  China will launch a Clean Development Mechanism Fund (CDMF) in March to help finance climate change projects, according to sources with the Ministry of Finance. Ju Kuilin, a senior official with ...

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  • Development mechanism and technological innovation of

    2024.1.2  It seems like the hydrogen energy industry in China experienced significant growth and expansion of cooperation between 2011 and 2015. The number of patent holders participating in industry-university-research cooperation and applying for patents increased to 157, which is a significant increase from the previous decade (Fig. 2).The central nodes of the

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  • Recent development on innovation design of reconfigurable mechanisms

    2018.7.19  This paper presents an overview of recent developments in innovation design of reconfigurable mechanisms in China, including metamorphic and origami mechanisms and their typical applications. ... 51575018, and 51605011) and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFE0105000). Author information. Authors

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  • Formation mechanism and movement processes of the

    2018.10.22  The Aizigou paleolandslide is a large basalt landslide in the Liucheng section of the Lower Jinsha River, southwestern Sichuan Province, China. Geological investigation and interpretation of remote sensing imagery, in addition to experiments, numerical simulation, and geochronological dating were used to determine the formation and movement of the landslide.

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  • Mechanism and Effect of the “The Belt and Road” to Promote ...

    Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Mechanism and Effect of the “The Belt and Road” to Promote China’s Regional Coordinated Development" by 晨琳 张 DOI: 10.12677/mm.2023.1310157 Corpus ID: 264054524 Mechanism and Effect of the “The Belt and Road” to

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  • China, Latin America establish first multilateral financial cooperation ...

    BEIJING, April 23 (Xinhua) -- China and several Latin American countries set up a multilateral financial cooperation mechanism Monday. Proposed by the China Development Bank (CDB), the mechanism is the first of its kind between China and Latin American countries.

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  • China Revises Measures on Clean Development Mechanism Projects - China ...

    Sept. 28 – In an attempt to boost Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects and to ensure the healthy development of the CDM market in China, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and other departments on August 3, 2011 jointly issued the revised “Administrative Measures for the Operation of Clean Development Mechanism Projects (‘the

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  • Multifunctional rural development in China: Pattern, process and mechanism

    2022.3.1  The number of extremely low function regions decreased from 896 counties in 2000 to 618 in 2015. The number of high function regions increased from 124 counties in 2000 to 233 in 2015. In general, the level of rural non-agricultural economic development is relatively low, and there is still a large room for growth.

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  • EconPapers: Karst Development Mechanism and

    2023.6.16  Karst Development Mechanism and Characteristics Based on Comprehensive Exploration along Jinan Metro, China. Shangqu Sun, Liping Li, Jing Wang, Shaoshuai Shi, Shuguang Song, Zhongdong Fang, Xingzhi Ba and Hao Jin Additional contact information Shangqu Sun: Research Center of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering, Shandong

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  • Home - China Development Forum 2024

    China Development Forum 2024 to be held on March 24-25. Nation to further expand opening-up, premier says. Chinese premier delivers keynote speech at China Development Forum 2024. China's finance minister sets 2024 priorities for high-quality development. Message from the Co

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  • The processes and mechanisms of severe sandstorm development

    2013.1.30  The processes and the mechanisms of sandstorm development in this area, as well as the relationship between sandstorms and global climate change and the evolution of monsoon patterns, play an important role in Quaternary. ... Research on desertification and control to its calamity in the large-scale development of the western China. Journal of ...

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  • [PDF] The Clean Development Mechanism in China:

    2012.3.1  The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has grown into a central feature of the global carbon market. Besides a range of normative and evaluative research into the CDM, scholars have applied international relations perspectives in which the CDM has been analysed as an example of global governance, engaging multiple actors across administrative levels.

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  • (PDF) Clean Development, Energy Substitution, and Carbon

    2021.1.16  China clean development mechanism (CCDM); then, we manually collated the implemen- tation regions and matched the samples, thus sorting out the specific information of all CDM projects in China ...

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  • The clean development mechanism in China and India: A

    2008.12.1  The clean development mechanism (CDM) is a project-based instrument that allows developed countries to receive credits toward meeting their obligatory targets under the Kyoto Protocol by investing in emission reduction projects in developing countries. This article provides a comparative institutional analysis of the CDM in China and India. It focuses on each

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  • Pasir Ris 8 Integrated Development by Allgreen Kerry

    Pasir Ris 8 Pricing. The successful land bid by Phoenix Residential Pte Ltd and Phoenix Commercial Pte Ltd works out to be $684.48 per square foot per plot ratio (psf ppr) based on the total gross floor area of 1.02 million sq ft. The breakeven price is estimated at $1232 psf.

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  • An integrated mechanism and challenges of ... - Semantic

    2023.6.27  DOI: 10.1002/sd.2651 Corpus ID: 259639648; An integrated mechanism and challenges of mountainous sustainable development: A review of Hani Terraces, China @article{Zhang2023AnIM, title={An integrated mechanism and challenges of mountainous sustainable development: A review of Hani Terraces, China}, author={Yongxun Zhang and

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  • Resolution highlights mechanism for integrated urban-rural development

    1 天前  Resolution highlights mechanism for integrated urban-rural development By ZHOU JIN Updated: 2024-07-19 13:33 Share

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  • Multifunctional rural development in China: Pattern, process and mechanism

    2022.3.1  Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Multifunctional rural development in China: Pattern, process and mechanism" by H. Long et al. Skip to search ... @article{Long2022MultifunctionalRD, title={Multifunctional rural development in China: Pattern, process and mechanism}, author={Hualou Long and Li Ma and Yingnan Zhang and Lulu Qu},

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  • [PDF] Research on Development Mechanism and Strategy of

    The folk art forms of northeast of China are rich and varied. They fully presents the cultural of northeast of China. However, with the transformation of China from a traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial society, people's production mode and life style have changed greatly, and The environment on which folk art depends has huge changed. Some folk art

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  • Development characteristics and dynamic mechanisms of

    2022.1.1  Request PDF Development characteristics and dynamic mechanisms of tectonic ground fissures in Weihe Basin, China The Weihe Basin is part of the regionally extensive Fenwei Graben System, which ...

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  • Research on the Mechanism and Path of Digital Economy Enabling China

    China Soft Science, 2019, No. 343 (07): 60-67 [9] Wang Zhibo. Ideas and policies for achieving high-quality development of China's regional economy - construction and analysis of evaluation index system based on high-quality development [J]. National Circulation Economy, 2019, No.2202 (06): 86-87

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