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  • 青岛中程“采矿权撤销”风波再发酵 事隔数.才披露 ...

    2022.8.9  其中公司印尼子公司 PT.Integra Prima Coal涉案10,639 万元,占公司上.经审计净资产的 8.84%;公司印尼子公司PT.Madani Sejahtera涉案4,906万元,占公司上

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  • PT. Integra Prima Coal Verified Details

    Explore PT. Integra Prima Coal on CompanyHouse.ID. Access detailed information including incorporation details, shareholding, directors, and more for this

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  • 恒顺电气拟购印尼煤企76%股权以打造前端产业链 - Chinca

    2012.11.15  恒顺电气前公告,公司新加坡全资子公司拟以2000万美元收购PT Integra Prima Coal公司及PT Kutai Nyala Resources公司各自76%的股权。

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  • PT Integra Prima Coal Company Profile, Financial and Strategic

    As of October 30, 2013, PT Integra Prima Coal operates as a subsidairy of HShun International Holdings Pte. Ltd. digitGaps report on PT Integra Prima Coal delivers a

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  • ex109.htm - SEC.gov

    INTEGRA PRIMA COAL owned by the FIRST PARTY, covering an area of 1253 ha (one thousand, two hundred and fifty-three hectares) and located in the Bakungan Village, Loa

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  • 青岛中资中程集团股份有限公司

    2022.9.1  青岛中资中程集团股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”) 于2022 .8 .3披露了公司印尼子公司PT.Integra Prima Coal(青岛中资中程印尼东加煤矿有限公司,以下简称IPC

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  • 青岛中程:上市公司的生产经营具有独立性,目前未 ...

    2023.4.11  尊敬的投资者您好:公司持有PT.Integra Prima Coal(青岛中资中程印尼东加煤矿有限公司)76%的权益,IPC煤矿位于印尼东加里曼丹岛,面积约为1250公顷。

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  • 恒顺电气投资印尼矿山获当地政府审批文件 - 第一财经

    恒顺电气(300208.SZ)10.8中午发布公告称,公司在印尼投资项目相关的东加煤矿公司(PT Integra Prima Coal)与CNI镍矿(PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama)均已通过印尼矿

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  • PT. Integra Prima Coal - Companies House

    PT. Integra Prima Coal is a limited liability company in Indonesia with business number 147089. Find more data about PT. Integra Prima Coal.

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  • PT Integra Prima Coal - Shareholders, Reports, Financials

    Incorporation Info of PT Integra Prima Coal, Indonesia, Jakarta Selatan Perub, APL TOWER LT 20 UNIT T1 JL LETJEN S PARMAN KAV 28 Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta ,

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