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  • Welcome to Raymond

    2024.5.3  Raymond Woollen Outerwear. New Hind House, Narottam Morarjee Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai-400001 ... Raymond Lifestyle. C/O Raymond Limited, Jekegram, Pokhran Road No. 1, Thane West, Thane – 400606. TenX Realty. C/O Raymond Limited, Jekegram, Pokhran Road No. 1, Thane West, Thane – 400606. Our Company. About Us

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  • About us – MyRaymond

    Raymond Woollen Mills (Kenya) ltd., later known as Heritage Woollen Mills ltd., was set up in Eldoret in order to manufacture hand-knitting yarn, knitwear as well as knitted fabrics, blankets and garments. Core principles that guide the company. Raymond Limited is an Indian textile and apparel company founded in 1925.

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  • Raymond > Company History > Textiles - Woollen

    1967 - The Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd., was registered in Kenya for manufacturing knitting yarns and price goods of wool and wool mixed with synthetic fibres, and woollen and worsted...

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  • Raymond: The saga of an Indian world leader - India Retailing

    2018.2.21  Raymond’s legacy dates back almost 92 years to the year 1925, when it was a small woolen mill, by the name of Raymond Woollen Mills in Thane, that used to manufacture coarse woolen...

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  • RAYMOND - A rich fine blend of fine fabric and

    2017.9.11  Raymond manufactures for the world the finest fabrics – from wool to wool-blended worsted suiting to specialty ring denims as well as high value shirting. Raymond is a brand name that reminds us of a

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  • MAKE IN INDIA - Raymond Limited - The Textile

    2017.1.10  The Raymond Woollen mill was set up in 1925 in the area around Thane creek.. Products Manufactured. Raymond produces high-value pure-wool, wool-blended

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    Find company research, competitor information, contact details financial data for THE RAYMOND WOOLEN MILL LIMITED of Mumbai, Maharashtra. Get the latest business insights from Dun Bradstreet.

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  • Raymond Woollen Mills Limited v. Income Tax Officer, Centre Circle

    1997.12.17  Order. 1. The challenge in this case is to the reopening of the assessment of Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. We have been shown the recorded reasons for reopening under Section 147-A (sic Section 147).

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  • Raymond Woolen Mills Kenya Ltd Company Profile Eldoret,

    Find company research, competitor information, contact details financial data for Raymond Woolen Mills Kenya Ltd of Eldoret. Get the latest business insights from Dun Bradstreet.

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  • Welcome to Raymond

    2024.5.3  Get In Touch. Raymond Limited, New Hind House, Narottam Morarjee Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400001. 1800 222 001. Monday To Saturday - 9:30AM To 6:30PM.

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  • Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. M.R.T.P Commission And

    S. Mohan, J.— This is an appeal under Section 55 of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) against the order passed by the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission, New Delhi (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), being a ‘cease and desist’ order dated May 3, 1991 under Section

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  • Raymond Woollen Mills Limited v. Income Tax Officer, Centre Circle

    1997.12.17  The challenge in this case is to the reopening of the assessment of Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. We have been shown the recorded reasons for reopening under Section 147-A (sic Section 147). The case of the Revenue was that the assessee was charging to its profit and loss account, fiscal duties paid during the year as well as labour

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  • Shramik Uttarsh Sabha vs Raymond Woolen Mills Ltd. Ors

    The Gujarat Spinning Weaving Co. Ltd., 1962 Supp. (2) SCR 890, it was held that 'Section 27A of the B.I.R. Act provides that no employee shall be allowed to appear or act in any proceeding under the Act except through the representative of employees, the only exception being the provisions of sections 32 and 33. Therefore, section 27A ...

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  • Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. (Now ... vs Director General

    JUDGMENT Dalveer Bhandari, J. 1. This appeal is directed against the judgment/order dated 12.10.2000 passed by the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission") in R.T.P. Enquiry No. 204 of 1988. 2.

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  • Shramik Uttarsh Sabha v. Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. And

    Ltd. 1962 Supp (2) SCR 890, (1962) 1 LLJ 369, (1962) 4 FLR 253 it was held that Section 27-A of the BIR Act provides that no employee shall be allowed to appear or act in any proceeding under the Act except through the representative of employees, the only exception being the provisions of Sections 32 and 33. Therefore, Section 27-A completely ...

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  • raymond+woollen+mills+ltd Indian Case Law Law

    1997.12.17  In 1972 he was promoted as a salesman and at...a salesman at Raymond's Retail Show-room, 2397/1, Hardhian Singh Road, New Delhi-5 have misappropriated cash and funds from the amounts of Raymonds' Woollen Mills Ltd., to the extent of Rs 32,196.88...or a part thereof during the period June 10, 1975 to October 17,

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  • Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Income-tax Officer - CaseMine

    1995.12.1  Per Shri V. Dongzathang, Vice-President - These appeals of the assessee are directed against the orders of the CIT (Appeals) for the assessment years 1978-79 to 1986-87.The ld. CIT(A) passed a speaking order dated 3-4-1990 for assessment year 1978-79 and on that basis disposed of the remaining appeals for the same reasons discussed

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  • Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vs Income-Tax Officer And

    "The assessee, Messrs. Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd., has been charging to its profit and loss account fiscal duties paid during the year as well as labour charges, wages, power, fuel, chemicals, etc. However, while valuing its closing stock the element of fiscal duty and the other direct, aforementioned, manufacturing costs are not included ...

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  • MAKE IN INDIA - Raymond Limited - The Textile Magazine

    2017.1.10  The Raymond Woollen mill was set up in 1925 in the area around Thane creek.. ... Raymond Ltd. reported consolidated revenue of Rs. 5,620.69 crores, registering growth of 5.03 per cent y-o-y. During FY 2016, its textile business registered growth of 5.82 per cent, the net revenue being Rs. 2,683.21 crores as against Rs. 2,535.59 crores in

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  • id/16/raymond woolen mills at main luoruoping/id

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  • Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. vs Monopolies And Restrictive

    In the matter of Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd.' s case [1976] 46 Comp Cas 395 (MRTPC), the Commission has confirmed its earlier view that the stage of further and better particulars is after the pleadings are closed and on the hearing of an application for directions. The view taken by the Commission is proper, and in following the same view in ...

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    Per Dr. V. Balasubramanian, Vice President - The assessee is a manufacturer of woollen material from mostly imported wool and exports them.Different grounds of appeal have been raised. These are considered seriatim. 2. Disallowance under section 40(c)/40A(5) of the Income-tax Act, 1961: The point relating to the treatment of contribution of a sum of Rs.

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  • The Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. And Another v. State Of

    1991.10.30  Pendse, J.:— The Petitioner No. 1 is a Public Limited Company incorporated under the Companies Act and runs its factory at Jokegram, Thane. The Company claims to be one of the largest units manufacturing worsted woollen fabrics, polyester wool fabrics, other blended fabrics, woollen blankets, synthetic yarn and

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  • Raymond Ltd. Share Price Today Live NSE/BSE Angel One

    4 天之前  Raymond Ltd. Share Price - Get Raymond Ltd. Live BSE/NSE stock price with the latest research reports, balance sheet, stock analysis, and share price history at Angel One. ... Shri Dinesh Mills Ltd ₹277.23: 195 . 0.00 (0.00) 195 - 195: Lovable Lingerie Ltd ₹184.85: 131.5 . 6.25 (4.99%) 123.5 - 139: Gem Spinners India Ltd ₹20.26: 3.5 . 0. ...

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  • Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. Vs. M.R.T.P. Commissions ...

    Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. Vs. M.R.T.P. Commissions ANR [1993] INSC 108 (26 February 1993) 1993 Latest Caselaw 106 SC Citation : 1993 Latest Caselaw 106 SC Judgement Date : Feb/1993 Download as PDF Headnote : The M.R.T ...

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  • O Raymond Woollen Mills Limited - adifix

    Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Income-tax Officer - CaseMine. 1995.12.1 Per Shri V. Dongzathang, Vice-President - These appeals of the assessee are directed against the orders of the CIT (Appeals) for the assessment years 1978-79 to 1986-87.The ld. CIT(A) passed a speaking order dated 3-4-1990 for assessment year 1978-79 and on that basis ...

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  • Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd vs M.R.T.P. Commissions And

    rates-Held appellant indulged in restrictive trade practice-. Cease and desist' order of M.R. T.P. Commission upheld. HEADNOTE: The M.R.T.P. Commission issued a notice of enquiry on. 10.2.1987 suo motu alleging that the appellant in the appeal. was indulgingin the tradepractice of re-sale price.

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  • Shramik Uttarsh Sabha v Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. on 07

    1995.2.7  Shramik Uttarsh Sabha v/s Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. Civil Appeal No. 1408 of 1995 [Arising out of S.L.P. (C) No. 3631 of 1955] Decided On, 07 February 1995. At, ... In Crescent Dyes and Chemicals Ltd. v. Ram Naresh Tripathi, 1993(2) SCT 268 (SC) : 1993(2) SCC 115, the question was whether a delinquent was entitled to be represented

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  • en/162/raymond woollen at main lbsid/en

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  • History of Raymond Ltd., Company - Goodreturns

    5 天之前  1925. - The Company was incorporated on 10th September, 1925 at Mumbai. It. manufactures woollen and worsted and hosiery yarns, knitting wool, engineers' steel files and cement. - 30,000 shares ...

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  • Raymond Limited Company Profile, Wiki,

    History. Raymond Limited established in 1925. 1925, the company set up a small woollen mill named as Raymond Woollen Mill in Thane. 1944, Lala Kailashpat Singhania took over Raymond, the mill was used to

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  • Recron Synthetics > Company History > Textiles

    2 天之前  The Company has been promoted by the Raymond Woollen Mills Limited. One of the objects of the company is to manufacture Polyester Filament Yarn such as count, trilobal, thick thin, cationic ...

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  • Raymond: The saga of an Indian world leader - India Retailing

    2018.2.21  Raymond’s legacy dates back almost 92 years to the year 1925, when it was a small woolen mill, by the name of Raymond Woollen Mills in Thane, that used to manufacture coarse woolen blankets and ...

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  • fr/shramik utkarsh sabha v s raymond woolen mills at

    Shramik utkarsh sabha s raymond woolen mills ltd. Tukaram Tanaji Mandhare And Anr vs Raymond Woollen Mills,The Supreme Court while deciding the case in Shramik Utkarsh Sabha v Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd has held thus in para l3: "l3 The MRTU and PULP Act takes note of the provisions of the BIR Act Many of its definitions are stated to be those

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  • Our Story - Blarney Woollen Mills

    Blarney Woollen Mills before it closed and became a visitor centre, was known for it's tweeds, woollen and worsted cloths and knitting wools. This all ended in 1972 with the ceasing of manufacturing in Blarney. In 1991, Christy Keleher set up Fisherman Out of Ireland. He knew we needed to create unique collections of our own and be at the ...

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  • Raymond: Story of the most famous Indian Clothing Brand

    2022.9.22  The brand name was derived from Albert Raymond and Abraham Jacob Raymond, who were members of the Board of Directors of a Jewish industrialist company during the 1920s known as E.D Sassoon and Co. Formerly it was known as 'The Raymond Woollen Mills" and then it was changed to just 'Raymond'. Raymond - Startup Story

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  • Raymond Ltd. Encyclopedia

    2024.4.15  The mill was later acquired by a wealthy industrialist family, the Sassoons, who were based in Bombay. The Sassoons reincorporated the company as Raymond Woollen Mill in 1925. Raymond's production was at the time limited to coarse woolen blankets and low-priced wool fabrics. The Singhania family entered Raymond's picture in

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  • Raymond Woollen Mill... v. Director General (In... - CaseMine

    A notice of enquiry under section 10(a)(iv) and Section 37 of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969 (hereinafter referred to as “the MRTP Act”) was issued to the appellants wherein it was alleged that the appellants had indulged in restrictive trade practice within the meaning of Section 2(o)(ii) and Section 33(1)(b) of ...

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  • Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Coal India Ltd. Anr.

    1997.11.19  The appellant, Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. having its Division as Raymond Cement Works was one of such purchasers. Such purchasers, all being 25 in numbers as cement manufacturers had constituted a body known as Cement Manufacturers' Association. As per the commercial terms of supply, the payments for coal supplies were

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