de fer la machine minerai de concasseur

  • Effective extraction of nickel and cobalt from sintered nickel

    2023.11.1  Effective extraction of Ni and Co has been achieved by roasting and leaching process. •. Nickel oxides are converted into easily leached metallic nickel by reduction roasting. •. Over 98% Ni and 96% Co can be extracted from nickel alloy after

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  • (PDF) Extractive metallurgy of nickel - ResearchGate

    K Yu. S Li. PDF On Feb 20, 2020, Qaisar Khan Edwardian and others published Extractive metallurgy of nickel • Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate.

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  • (PDF) Advanced Review on Extraction of Nickel

    2019.1.10  Advanced Review on Extraction of Nickel from Primary and Secondary Sources. January 2019. Mineral Processing and

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  • Advanced Review on Extraction of Nickel from Primary and Secondary ...

    2018.10.8  Nickel extraction from primary resources such as ores/minerals (sulfides, arsenides, silicates, and oxides) including the unconventional one viz., the polymetallic sea nodules, and various secondary resources has been examined.

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  • Efficient extraction of nickel from sintered alloy by stepwise

    2022.9.1  Abstract. Atmospheric acid leaching is widely used to extract nickel from secondary resources due to its mild effect, but the extraction efficiency of nickel still remains limited. In this work, a sulfuric acid curing process was developed to improve the extraction of nickel by treating the leaching residues after acid leaching.

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  • Advanced study on the extraction of Nickel from its ores

    2024.4.13  Nickel's extractive metallurgy is the most complex since there are two major types of ores, laterites, and sulfides, which make this paper a valuable guide by providing an overview of the process used to isolate nickel from its ores and an important source of strategies used to enhance its extraction. Keywords: .

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  • Extractive Metallurgy 2 - Wiley Online Library

    2017.8.24  Extractive metallurgy is the art of extracting metals from their ores and refining them. This book deals with the processes, operations, technologies and processing routes of extractive metallurgy, i.e. the (production) extraction of metals from ores, concentrates (enriched ores), scraps and other sources and their refining to liquid

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  • Advanced Review on Extraction of Nickel from Primary

    2024.1.15  Nickel extraction from primary resources such as ores/minerals (sulfides, arsenides, silicates, and oxides) including the unconventional one viz., the polymetallic sea nodules, and various...

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  • Solvent extraction as an enabling technology in the nickel ...

    2002.11.1  Solvent extraction as an enabling technology in the nickel industry. 来自 国家科技图书文献中心. 喜欢 0. 阅读量: 67. 作者: G Bacon , I Mihaylov. 摘要: The past decade has witnessed unprecedented growth in the development and implementation of solvent extraction technology in the extractive metallurgy of nickel and cobalt.

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  • Extraction of Nickel, Cobalt and Iron from Laterite Ores by

    Extraction of Nickel, Cobalt and Iron from Laterite Ores by Mixed Chloride Leach Process. Chapter. pp 97–106. Cite this chapter. Download book PDF. V. I. Lakshmanan, R. Sridhar, R. deLaat, J. Chen, M. A. Halim R. Roy. 1358 Accesses. 1 Citations. Abstract. Primary nickel is produced from both lateritic and sulfidic ores.

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  • Effective extraction of nickel and cobalt from sintered nickel

    2023.11.1  1. Introduction. Nickel is an indispensable critical metal in global low-carbon energy transition (Bai et al., 2022, Zhong et al., 2021).Given the excellent properties of nickel such as corrosion resistance, ferromagnetism and high temperature resistance, it is widely used in non-ferrous metal alloys, petrochemicals, aerospace, batteries, and

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  • (PDF) Advanced Review on Extraction of Nickel

    2019.1.10  on Extraction of Nickel from Primary and Secondary Sources, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 40:3, 157-193, DOI: 10.1080/08827508.2018.1514300 To link to this article: https ...

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  • Advanced Review on Extraction of Nickel from Primary

    2024.1.15  on Extraction of Nickel from Primary and Secondary Sources, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 40:3, 157-193, DOI: 10.1080/08827508.2018.1514300 To link to this article: https ...

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  • Extraction du Nickel – Une menace pour la biodiversité

    2023.10.3  En effet, cette région particulièrement riches en termes de biodiversité est également le plus gros producteur actuel de nickel au monde, composant indispensable des batteries. Cette extraction provoque une double déforestation ( article 1) et entraîne une destruction méthodique de la vie terrestre et marine.

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  • The coloniality of green extractivism: Unearthing

    2023.11.1  Finally, we detail the impacts of nickel extraction and processing on affected territories and populations in different countries—including deforestation, land dispossession, soil, water and air-borne contamination, indigenous rights violations, and violence against environmental defenders. 5 Taken together, these impacts give a clear ...

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  • Extractive separation of copper and nickel from copper

    2008.12.1  Nickel powder of 99.8% purity was also produced by electrowinning of raffinate on copper extraction (Agrawal et al., 2007b). These pure metal powders could be used for powder metallurgical applications. Download : Download full-size image; Fig. 4. Effect of A:O on % Cu extraction and McCabe Thiele plot for the extraction of Cu by LIX 84.

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  • Advanced study on the extraction of Nickel from its ores

    2024.4.13  The mined ores (1–4% Ni) are processed to upgrade the metal content with 10–20% Ni in the concentrates. Thus, the preconcentration of nickel ores is an important unit operation to upgrade the nickel before commencing any extraction steps. Ni is mined from sulfide ores, Nickel ferrolaterite and serpentine.

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  • Application of ultrasound in extractive metallurgy:

    The importance of ultrasound in solvent extraction was examined by studying solvent extraction of nickel with Lix 65N and Lix 70 extractants. The studied parameters were ultrasonic energy and frequency, pH, temperature, and organic and aqueous solution composition. The stability of extractants under the influence of ultrasound was also

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  • Nickel processing - Extraction, Refining, Alloying Britannica

    Nickel processing - Extraction, Refining, Alloying: The extraction of nickel from ore follows much the same route as copper, and indeed, in a number of cases, similar processes and equipment are used. The major differences in equipment are the use of higher-temperature refractories and the increased cooling required to accommodate the higher operating

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  • Extraction of Nickel and Cobalt from Sulfide Ores Request

    2011.12.31  The extraction of Ni from sulfide ores is much simpler relative to laterites and is dominated by pyrometallurgical processing. This typically involves comminution and flotation to produce a nickel ...

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  • Ammoniacal Leaching for the Extraction of Valuable Metals

    2024.1.2  The present article reviews the use of ammonia and ammonia-ammonium salt leaching systems to extract valuable metals from secondary resources. This paper highlights the use of ammoniacal leaching for successful extraction of metals like nickel, cobalt, copper, zinc, vanadium, and molybdenum from diverse sources such as spent

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  • Ferronickel Generation from Nickel Sulfide Concentrates by

    2021.6.18  Nickel sulfide concentrates are critical materials for the production of metallic nickel. The disadvantages associated with the conventional nickel extraction process are the considerable amounts of sulfur dioxide emissions in the smelting process and the complex Ni refining steps to produce a marketable product. The authors

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  • Influence of SiO2 and MgO on Extraction of Nickel and

    2024.3.26  The sulfation roasting leaching process has been investigated as an alternative method for recovering nickel and cobalt from laterite ore. This process involves converting the nickel and cobalt in the ore into sulfates, which can then be dissolved through water leaching, while the iron remains as an insoluble oxide. However, the presence of

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  • Nickel / cobalt mining extraction procedures - Condorchem

    4 天之前  The process begins by adding the sulfide-associated mineral to a reactor with sulfuric acid and pressurised air. This procedure removes the sulphides to obtain nickel (II) sulfate and cobalt (II) sulfate in solution. In this first dissolution stage, the sulfide is removed. NiS + 2O2 NiSO4. CoS + 2O2 CoSO4.

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  • Extractive metallurgy of nickel Semantic Scholar

    DIRECT REDUCTION OF NICKEL LATERITE LIMONITIC ORE USING A COAL-DOLOMITE MIXTURE BED AND Na2SO4 AS A SELECTIVE AGENT. Nickel finds a wide industrial application. It is obtained through extraction from nickel-containing ores. The metal extraction using a lateritic nickel ore becomes an important alternative because.

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  • Separation of cobalt and nickel by non-equilibrium solvent extraction ...

    The separation of cobalt and nickel in the ammoniacal sulfate solution by non-equilibrium solvent extraction with a phosphate (P303) as extractant was studied. In the experiment, the effects of equilibrium pH value in aqueous phase, contact time of the two phases, the air-blowing time for feed liquor in the open beaker on percentage extraction of cobalt and

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  • One-Step Extraction of Nickel from Nickel Sulfide ... - Springer

    2021.2.18  The conventional nickel smelting and refining is the dominant strategy for nickel production from the sulfide nickel ores. The main disadvantages are the significant amount of SO 2 emissions during smelting and complex refining processes. In this paper, the authors investigated a solid-state nickel extraction method that recovered nickel

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  • (PDF) Extraction du nickel des sols par une plante

    2009.10.14  Elle offre une croissance importante et contient jusqu'à 2-3% de nickel dans la matière sèche. Des essais conduits en conditions contrôlées ont montré les performances d'extraction du nickel ...

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  • Les étapes d'extraction et de transformation des minerais en

    Cela permet de séparer les particules à exploiter. Le tri optique opéré par des caméras mesurant la couleur, la densité et la radioactivité des minerais. Extraction de métaux. Lé métallurgie est la seconde étape de fabrication du métal, après la minéralurgie. Le traitement des minerais en métal comporte trois phases d’affinage :

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  • Extraction of molybdenum, nickel and aluminium from spent

    2022.2.16  On a examiné le comportement de dissolution des métaux dans le rebut de catalyseur d’hydrodésulfuration de Ni-Mo, dans un réacteur en verre à double paroi de 1 L. ... Chemical and Extractive Metallurgy - Hydrometallurgy. Extraction of molybdenum, nickel and aluminium from spent Ni–Mo hydrodesulphurization (HDS) catalyst in oxalic acid ...

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  • Solvent extraction as an enabling technology in the nickel ...

    2002.11.1  摘要:. The past decade has witnessed unprecedented growth in the development and implementation of solvent extraction technology in the extractive metallurgy of nickel and cobalt. Solvent extraction is proving to be a powerful tool. opening new opportunities for simpler, more cost efficient and environmentally sound metal

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  • Recovery of Copper(II) and Nickel(II) from Plating

    2011.12.1  However, the literature about using these extractants to extract nickel is rare. Lix984 and Lix984N are good vitriolic extrac- tants. The active components of Lix984 are 2-hydroxy- 5-dodecylsalicylaldoxime and 2-hydroxy-5-nonyl- acetonphenoneoxime. ... Lix984N is diluted with 260 # kerosene to de- sired concentration. The prepared Ni 2+

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  • Extraction of copper, nickel and cobalt from sea nodules

    2014.11.27  W. E. JONES is Group Leader, Hydrometallurgy at Inco—s J. Roy Gordon Research Laboratory. His main responsibilities are the extraction of metals from sulfide ores and process Intermediates. He received his M.Sc. degree from the University of Wales in 1965 and his Ph.D. from the University of Calgary in 1970.

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  • Introductory Chapter: Extraction Metallurgy – New Perspectives

    2024.1.10  Extraction metallurgy is an important process that has significant economic and environmental implications. The economic importance of extraction metallurgy is evident from the fact that it is used to extract valuable metals that are used in various industrial processes . These metals include copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc, nickel, and iron.

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  • OneTunnel The Production of Nickel: Extractive Metallurgy

    Purchase this Article for $25.00. This paper presents a review of the extractive processes used in the production of nickel, with emphasis on developments since the beginning of the Second World War. Attention is given to the factors, many outside the nickel industry itself, which determined the direction of process research and strongly ...

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  • Valeur de production du secteur minier et extractif ... - Statista

    2023.10.24  Montant de la production du secteur minier et extractif en France 2005-2020. Cette statistique représente la valeur de la production de l'industrie minière et extractive en France entre 2005 et 2020, en millions d'euros. En 2020, le montant de la production du secteur minier et extractif français s'élevait à environ 4,6 milliards d'euros.

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  • Recovery of nickel, cobalt, and aluminum from molybdenum extraction ...

    2023.4.7  Après l’extraction de Mo du catalyseur HDS usé, on a obtenu un résidu d’extraction de molybdène contenant de l’aluminium, du nickel et du cobalt. Dans les travaux présentés ici, on a étudié l’extraction du nickel, du cobalt et de l’aluminium du résidu d’extraction de molybdène par lixiviation à l’acide chlorhydrique.

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  • Extraction du cuivre — Wikipédia

    2024.5.12  Extraction du cuivre. La métallurgie extractive du cuivre est l’ensemble des opérations permettant la fabrication de cuivre métallique à partir du minerai, ou plus rarement à partir de déchets métallurgiques recyclés contenant du cuivre (plus de 30 % du cuivre consommé en 2005 est recyclé 1 ). La source la plus commune de minerai de ...

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  • Microwave-based extractive metallurgy to obtain pure

    2021.12.1  This study reviews the extractive metallurgical approaches for obtaining pure metals by subjecting virgin materials and waste materials to the microwave heating method. ... de Castro et al. (2012) Iron ore: 820: 0–30: Fe: 68 ... for 15 min, the extraction rates of 79%, 94% and 74% were obtained for nickel, copper, and zinc, respectively. The ...

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  • Magnesium Removal from Concentrated Nickel Solution by

    2019.6.25  The refinery of mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP) from nickel laterite processing by acidic re-leaching will generate a concentrated nickel solution containing some magnesium difficult to remove. Fluorite precipitation method is often used for nickel purification from magnesium contamination, causing serious risk of environmental

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